kaft handboek Museum Open U
Rolstoelgebruikers kijken naar kunstwerk in het Van Abbemuseum

3.5 million people with disabilities in the Netherlands

There are around 3.5 million people with disabilities in the Netherlands. These people often find visiting museums extremely difficult. By making your museums more welcoming to these people, not only will you be able to attract more visitors, you will also literally become a museum for everyone.

Down to business

This toolkit lists everything that can be done to improve the accessibility of a museum for people with physical or mental disabilities. Although this can be done with relatively simple, low-budget solutions, you can of course opt for a larger scale approach instead. Using a handy self-scan checklist and the inspiring examples you’ll find in this toolkit, you can easily guide your museum towards a welcoming future.

Blinde bezoeker raakt voelreliëf aan van schilderij Picasso.
Blinde bezoekers en rolstoelgebruikers in het Van Abbemuseum

Handbook for accessibility

This book is an absolute must-have for every museum director, curator, education officer or exhibition designer; in short, anyone who works in and around museums.

Museum Open U is published by:
LCM – National Point of Contact for Museum Consultants
Van Abbemuseum
Stichting Zet

Besides this toolkit, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven have developed a publication entitled Unforgettable museum. This practical handbook explains how, as a museum professional, you can set up a programme for people with different forms of dementia and their loved ones.